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Kamus Demografi Pelbagai Bahasa, Edisi Kedua, Volum Bahasa Malaysia


Daripada Demopædia.
Semakan 61 pada 10:09, 31 Ogos 2012 oleh Tengku Aizan Abdul Hamid (Perbincangan | sumb.) (912: correction)
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Bab: Prakata | 1. Konsep umum | 2. Pengurusan dan pemprosesan statistik penduduk | 3. Taburan dan klasifikasi penduduk | 4. Mortaliti dan morbiditi | 5. Perkahwinan | 6. Kesuburan | 7. Pertambahan dan penggantian penduduk | 8. Mobiliti ruangan | 9. Aspek ekonomi dan sosial demografi
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Dalam eugenik1, disiplin yang mencari jalan untuk meningkat kualiti hidup penduduk, penekanan diberikan kepada peranan keturunan2, perpindahan ciri keturunan3, seperti warna mata, dari satu generasi ke generasi lain. Ciri yang diperoleh 4 tidak di pindah. Ciri maut5 amnya membawa kematian awal janin.

  • 1. Eugenik, n. - eugenik, adj. - eugenik, n.: a pakar eugenik.
  • 2. keturunan, n. - keturunan, adj.


Pemindahan ciri keturunan beroperasi menerusi gen1 yang diwarisi kepada anak oleh ibu bapa mereka. Genetik2adalah sains berkenaan dengan pewarisan dan kesan faktor keturunan. Gen dibawa oleh kromosom3 adalah filamen panjang DNA (asid deoksiribonukleik) yang terletak dalam nukleus sel. Kedudukan gen pada kromosom dipanggil lokus4. Gen yang menduduki lokus4 yang sama mengakibatkan sifat-sifat yang sama, walaupun ia boleh berlaku dalam pelbagai cara yang sesuai dengan pelbagai alel5 gen dalam lokus tersebut. Sel baru yang dibentuk oleh penyatuan dua sel seksual atau gamet6 semasa proses persenyawaan (602-1) dipanggil zigot7.

  • 1. Semua gen yang dibawa oleh individu adalah secara kolektif dikenali sebagai pembawaan genetik
  • 2. Genetik, n. - genetik, adj. - pakar genetik


  • 7. Mutation, n. - mutant, adj. or n.

Set yang mempunyai dua gen individu pada lokus yang sama dinamakan sebagai genotip1; genotip dikatakan homozigos2 sekiranya beberap alel yang serupa pada sesuatu lokus; jika sebaliknya ia dikatakan heterozigos3 . Fenotip4 mengandungi ciri yang dapat dilihat seperti yang ditentukan oleh genotip dan persekitaran. Sekiranya individu heterozigos (AA ') tidak boleh dibezakan daripada individu homozigos (AA), alel A dikatakan lebih dominan5 daripada A', dan 'A dikatakan resesif6. Gen tertakluk kepada perubahan secara tiba tiba dan rawak, dipanggil mutasi7. Panmiksia8 or pengawanan rambang8 memastikan agihan seragam gen dalam populasi.

  • 7. Mutasi, n. - mutan, adj. or n.


A distinction is frequently made in eugenic policy between positive eugenics1, aimed at increasing the number of persons believed to have desirable characteristics, and negative eugenics2 aimed at restricting the reproduction of persons expected to transmit undesirable characteristics or hereditary defects3. Much attention has been given to the discussion of eugenic sterilization4, i.e., the sterilization of persons likely to transmit undesirable characteristics to their descendants. Objections to this measure have been raised on moral grounds and also because of its relatively low efficiency in reducing the frequency of recessive genes (912-6). Among the measures proposed, pre-marital examination5 may be mentioned; this is designed to give couples intending to marry information about the probable quality of their offspring, so that prospective partners to dysgenic marriages6, i.e., those likely to produce defectives, may be warned.


The probability that an individual of reproductive age will have a given number of offspring who also attain reproductive age may depend on his genotype (912-1). This differential reproduction is called selection1. The selective value2 or fitness value2 of a genotype is the relative number of children of individuals with the genotype who survive to reproductive age. The mean selective value3 or fitness3 of a population is equal to the average of the selective values for the genotypes of its members. The genetic load4 of the population is the relative decline in the mean value of fitness resulting from the presence of different genotypes with varying fitness values. Random fluctuation of the frequency with which a specific gene is found in different generations of a population is called the genetic drift5. The gene structure6 of a population refers to the distribution of the frequencies of different alleles (911-5) on a given locus (911-4) within the members of the population. The genotypic structure7 of a population refers to the distribution of different genotypes on the same locus.


In the case of an inbred individual, i.e., an individual whose parents have a common ancestor, two genes are said to be identical genes1 by descent, if both were carried by the same ancestor and are on the same locus. The probability that an individual chosen at random in a population carries two genes identical by descent is the coefficient of inbreeding2 of the population. The coefficient of kinship3 of a population is the probability that two individuals chosen at random in that population carry genes identical by descent on the same locus.

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Bab: Prakata | 1. Konsep umum | 2. Pengurusan dan pemprosesan statistik penduduk | 3. Taburan dan klasifikasi penduduk | 4. Kematian dan morbiditi | 5. Perkahwinan | 6. Kesuburan | 7. Pertambahan dan penggantian penduduk | 8. Mobiliti ruangan | 9. Aspek ekonomi dan sosial demografi
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