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Kamus Demografi Pelbagai Bahasa, Edisi Kedua, Volum Bahasa Malaysia


Daripada Demopædia.
Semakan 244 pada 03:08, 21 Februari 2013 oleh Irwan Nadzif Mahpul (Perbincangan | sumb.) (422)
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Pergi ke: Pengenalan Demopædia | Arahan penggunaan | Muat turun
Bab: Prakata | 1. Konsep umum | 2. Pengurusan dan pemprosesan statistik penduduk | 3. Taburan dan klasifikasi penduduk | 4. Mortaliti dan morbiditi | 5. Perkahwinan | 6. Kesuburan | 7. Pertambahan dan penggantian penduduk | 8. Mobiliti ruangan | 9. Aspek ekonomi dan sosial demografi
Muka: 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 80 | 81 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93


Kajian mengenai morbiditi1 adalah berkaitan dengan penyiasatan penyakit2 dalam populasi. Dua aspek yang diberikan perhatian: insiden penyakit3 dan prevalens penyakit4 bergantung sama ada kes-kes penyakit5 baru dipertimbangkan atau bilangan kes yang sedia ada pada satu-satu masa. Kompilasi statistik morbiditi6 dihalang oleh kekurangan perbezaan yang jelas antara kesihatan dan keadaan morbid7. Nosologi8 dan nosografi9 masing-masing menyumbang kepada klasifikasi dan deskripsi bagi penyakit.


Statistik kesihatan1 merangkumi statistik morbiditi, tetapi juga merangkumi kesemua aspek kesihatan penduduk, dan umumnya terdiri daripada statistik bagi mortaliti sebab-tertentu2. Klasifikasi kematian mengikut sebab kematian3 adalah sukar kerana pada kebiasaannya tidak akan terdapat sebab kematian tunggal4 tetapi sebab kematian pelbagai5 atau sebab kematian gabungan5. Apabila ini berlaku, perbezaan boleh dilakukan antara sebab kematian serta-merta6 dan sebab kematian sampingan7 atau antara sebab kematian primer8 atau sebab kematian utama8 dan sebab kematian sekunder9, sebab kematian sampingan9 atau sebab kematian berkaitan9. Kadar kematian sebab-tertentu10 umumnya dinyatakan bagi setiap 100,000 penduduk. Nisbah bagi bilangan kematian daripada sebab tertentu kepada bilangan kematian daripada semua sebab dirujuk sebagai nisbah kematian sebab-tertentu11.


Kematian atau kecacatan (426-2) mungkin berpunca daripada penyakit (420-2) atau kecederaan1 atau keracunan2. Kecederaan mungkin disebabkan oleh kemalangan3 atau keganasan4. Dalam kes-kes keganasan, kebiasaannya bunuh diri5 dan cubaan bunuh diri5, pembunuhan6 dan kematian atau kecederaan disebabkan oleh peperangan7.


An endemic disease1 is one that permanently affects substantial segments of a population, in contrast with an epidemic2, which spreads and then disappears within a fairly short time; when it appears in a large number of countries, it is called a pandemic3. Certain infectious diseases4 or communicable diseases4 have attracted particular attention, because they are capable of infecting large numbers of persons within relatively short time intervals. In such instances we speak of epidemic diseases5, and special epidemiological statistics6 are collected to show their incidence. It is possible to obtain information about these illnesses in various countries because legislation has made their reporting compulsory; they are therefore called notifiable diseases7. A distinction is sometimes made between chronic diseases8 and acute diseases9. These terms are not precisely defined, but acute diseases are generally understood to be those of abrupt onset and short duration while chronic diseases are those with slow onset and long duration, and often causing prolonged disability.


Demographers devote particular attention to certain aspects of mortality: endogenous mortality1 which results from the genetic constitution of the individual, congenital malformations2, injuries connected with birth, or degenerative diseases associated with aging; exogenous mortality3, in contrast, results from external causes such as infectious or parasitic diseases and accidental injuries other than those incurred by the child during birth. Also of special interest are diseases connected with pregnancy, labor and the puerperium4. Mortality from these latter diseases is called maternal mortality5, and a maternal death rate6 may be computed as the ratio of maternal deaths in a year to the births of the same year. The proportion of deaths due to senility7 has mostly drawn interest as an index of poor reporting of causes of death.

1 and 3. Infant mortality (410-1) can thus be decomposed into endogenous infant mortality and exogenous infant mortality.


Three aspects of morbidity (420-1) are commonly measured by morbidity rates1 or morbidity ratios1: frequency, duration and severity. These indices may be computed for specific diseases, or for all diseases. Two indices of the frequency of ill-health are the incidence rate2, the number of new cases of disease during the period related to the average population, and the prevalence rate3, the number of cases existing at a given moment of time expressed per unit of the average population. Either the average duration per case4, or the disability rate5, which is the mean number of days of illness5 per person in the population, may serve as a measure of the duration of illness. The case fatality rate6, which is the proportion of fatal cases among the reported cases of the specified diseases, may be used as an index of severity.


An impairment1 refers to any physical, functional or psychological defect, which results from illness, injury or congenital malformation. When an impairment inhibits an individual’s ability to work or participate in normal activities it is referred to as incapacity2 or disability2. This may be total or partial; in either case, permanent disability3 or infirmity4 refer to an irreversible condition. The probability that a healthy individual aged exactly x years will become disabled in the next year or over the course of some number of years starting with this exact age, is called the risk of disability5 or the probability of disability5. A series of these probabilities can be combined into a disability table6, which is a specialized extension of the life table (cf. §432).

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Pergi ke: Pengenalan Demopædia | Arahan penggunaan | Muat turun
Bab: Prakata | 1. Konsep umum | 2. Pengurusan dan pemprosesan statistik penduduk | 3. Taburan dan klasifikasi penduduk | 4. Kematian dan morbiditi | 5. Perkahwinan | 6. Kesuburan | 7. Pertambahan dan penggantian penduduk | 8. Mobiliti ruangan | 9. Aspek ekonomi dan sosial demografi
Muka: 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 80 | 81 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93